Biomagnetism therapy –  A Revolutionary Approach for Lyme Disease

Revolutionary Approach for Lyme Disease treatment

Lyme disease is a contamination caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, then transmitted to humans by a bite from an infected black-legged. A tick becomes infected after feeding on infected deer, birds, or mice. Recent studies show women are more likely to have this disease than men. FAIR Health (2019), one of the most comprehensive insurance claims databases, released a Lyme disease report proving that more insurance claims with Lyme disease diagnoses were submitted for females compared to males, and females don’t have a bimodal age distribution. In fact, between the ages of 25-50, twice as many females as males had Lyme disease.

Early-Stage Lyme Disease Symptoms

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that early-stage Lyme disease symptoms could include but are not limited to a gradually expanding tick bite that may feel warm to the touch but is itchy or painful, fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, swelling of the lymph nodes, and a bull’s-eye shaped rash will appears at the position of the tick bite called erythema migrans (EM) rash. Early Lyme disease doesn’t always appear the same in all patients. For instance, up to 30% of patients don’t remember experiencing a bull’s eye (EM) rash.

Chronic Lyme Disease

People with Lyme disease have no idea of a tick bite. Thus, the Lyme community typically uses the term “chronic Lyme disease” to define the range of cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms that crop up after Lyme disease and persevere for months to years after infection.
Chronic Lyme disease can cause early Lyme symptoms like fatigue and muscle aches, but it can also generate new symptoms that affect different body parts.
This stage is usually marked by severe headaches, neck stiffness, fevers, chills, facial palsy, joint pain, muscle swelling, numbness, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, shortness of breath, inflammation of the nervous system, nerve pain, sometimes additional EM rashes. Another reason chronic Lyme disease is harder to detect and treat than Lyme in its earlier stages is that regular Lyme disease signs are wide-ranging and varied.
The health risks associated with chronic Lyme increase the longer a Lyme infection goes undertreated. On the other hand, more patients are likely to improve fully if their Lyme infection is noticed and treated as early as possible after the tick bite. However, when left untreated or undertreated, Lyme disease will spread throughout the body and affect the central nervous system, muscles, joints, heart circulation, reproductive system, and skin. Medical experts pointed out that these symptoms can evolve, disappear, and reappear at different times.

Combating Lyme Disease with Biomagnetism

According to Dr. Luis F. Garcia, Lyme disease should be renamed to Coinfection Soup Syndrome or Lyme Disease: Multi-Pathogen Syndrome. In his personal and careful analysis of hundreds of Lyme clients, he has observed many pathogens contributing to the varied symptoms. Pathogens are defined as organisms causing disease to their host, with the severity of the disease symptoms referred to as virulence. These pathogens are categorized as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and worms and are common in Lyme patients, which Dr. Garcia has observed with Biomagnetism.
Biomagnetism has been a revolutionary approach to health and wellness. It is a powerful treatment mode that targets Lyme disease and tick-borne infection symptoms. Using magnets represents an internationally practiced health method that tries to achieve a bioenergetic balance in the human body.
Biomagnetism requires placing magnets at the appropriate points, which makes opposite charges neutralize the pathogen and improve an equilibrium with a neutral pH. The pH imbalances will happen and combine to form symptoms, syndromes, and other health conditions in our bodies. Because of Biomagnetism, we can restore the body’s natural pH balance, and renewed natural defenses can keep various microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites, under control and allow them to quickly remove pathogens and restore the person to balance and health.

There are five types of Biomagnetism Pairs (BMP):

  • Regular BMPs have a specific relationship with a particular pathogen.
  • Special BMPs differ from the pathogen pairs and have yet to be identified.
  • Glandular dysfunctions BMPs are pairs that surround the gland.
  • Associated BMPs create more complicated diseases such as abscesses, Alzheimer’s, and others.

Temporary BMPs form from intoxicated, traumatized, or poisoned and address heavy-metal poisoning, pesticide poisoning, injuries, and more. The magnets used in the treatment are powerful and should be kept away from wallets, credit cards, and pacemakers.
If we know someone with Lyme disease symptoms, we take the first step needed by seeking medical help. Patients must be evaluated and treated immediately with Biomagnetism and other evidence-based solutions.

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