Biomagnetism Therapy for Lyme Disease

Person receiving biomagnetism therapy for Lyme disease treatment, highlighting the therapeutic benefits of this alternative healing method

Exploring the Benefits of Biomagnetism Therapy for Lyme Disease

Borrelia bacteria are the cause of Lyme disease, which is transmitted through infected tick bites. The start of Lyme disease is usually marked by a ring-like rash called erythema migrans, tiredness, and fever. Medication method is used to manage this; however, there is worry about its side effects. One such alternative or complementary practice is […]

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Biomagnetism therapy for lyme disease

How Is Lyme Disease Addressed Through Biomagnetism Therapy?

Biomagnetism is a scientific, revolutionary, and therapeutic approach to wellness. As practiced internationally, it is a process of balancing bioenergetic energy in the body. Initially, the body is screened for pH imbalances that might cause dysfunction. Then, powerful ceramic magnets are placed on specific points to support pH regulation in these parts, allowing for homeostasis

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